Not in love - crystal castle feat robert smith
Thursday, July 15, 2010
lalang,korang tau lalang?tau ke xtau haaa??oiiii.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
no life? or peluang?
At least tu lah yang aku mule2 piki mase dpt keje nih.:)
tapi sume tu berubah sama sekali bile aku dah stat masuk syif, syif 12 jam tuu,setengah hari duk dlm tempat keje,jage orang,jage production,buat report dan segale2 nye lah.
mule2 ok lah,pasal exited.
Then bile mule stat minggu yang ke dua, dah stat OT. Mmg masyuk bile ot tapi bile dah stat ot,bos dah mule demand kite untuk ot,pelan2 keje 4 hari tu,jadi 5 hari keje,pas tu meningkat ke 6 hari keje,dan pas ni,confirm 7 hari keje non stop. bile nak rehatnye???????ahahaha.
Ot byk,duit masyuk tpi xde life,xbleh nak lepak ngan membe2,nak tido puas2,nak men game, nak jamming,nak g gig, nak jumpe cinta hati dan sebagainye lah.. Susah,susah sgt.
Nak kate tensen tu,ade lah jugak,tapi nak kate nak quit,x jugak, but otherwise,i'm getting used to it,Satu je dlm kepala otak, xpe,xde life skang,janji tiap2 bulan gaji byk,bleh tolong byr bil umah,bil internet, talipon,kete dan bende2 len lagi pasal selama ni aku xpenah lagi contribute ape2 tuk family aku, so this is the time i can return the favor, aku xnak menyusah kan mak ngan ayah aku yang selama ni tanggung aku even dorg kate dorang xtanggung,tapi dtg dari usaha aku sendiri.
Xde life pon xde life laaaa, janji aku dpt mengurangkan beban family aku dan jugak aku bleh merasa kene marah,kene push, tensen keje dan sebagainye yang dihadapi oleh org yang bekerja.
Ade duit,mcm2 bleh kite dpt, aku nak jugak beli hp mhl2,nak jugak beli brg mahl2,nk jugak hari2 mkn mknn mhl.ahahahaha.
no life but worth it i guess.
at least for now
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Good morning serves its meaning
Well,morning hit me on the center of my brain. It gave me a new meaning what purpose of life.
That is to be more responsible and lovable.
Morning is magical, morning is the time where we plan our day, how to survive the day, how to be happy.
I love it
I love Morning breeze.
Pagi yang Hebat atau Buang Tebiat??
so jogging la jawabnye.
Dalam jogging2 plak,baru perasan,dah lame xrase camni,rase tenang, rase nyaman, rase bertenaga bile dgr angin pagi,burung berkicauan, sambil mendengar alunan lirik Robert Smith yg paling best,"high","letter to elise","just like heaven","Mint car", etc.Just make my day dan jugak view orang2 bangun pagi bersiap nak pegi kerja.
owh xlupe, ingt bleh tgk amoi2 jogging,skali pagi2 ni AH SOO je yang byk.hahahaha.
BADAN SAKIT!!!!!!!!,ni la sebab lame xjogging, lemak berlebihan ni protes xnak dibuang.huhu..
Lagi best,bile balik, singgah plak kat MCD,adoiiii.
pekena Breakfast 2 pieces of pancakes, Hash Brown ngan kopi Arab Pahit PIAU punye.
Thats it, i am a morning person.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Kehidupan seorang yang x berkerjaya
kul 11 smp kul 4 pagi
gileeeeeeee lah aku nihh
bile nak kerje nih??hahaha
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
movie time!!!!!
1. Inglorious Basterds
Photoshoot 2010
Flirts still ade,adoi bukan femes mane pon ye dak?
saje nak meramaikan blog nih,
so senang cite,hari tu ade wat photoshoot la untuk Flirts.
Tempat kejadian : Dekat dgn tempat men sakteboard.haha
Jurugambar professional : Cik Nurul Haryantie Ishak
Subjek : 5 orang lelaki yang haram xpandai posing.
kemarau,kemarau,kemarau show.....
dah sume bz pastu sume xberduit,camna nak cari showw
but thax la dekat seorang gadis ni yang merupakan penyokong setia Flirts,die sanggup berjuang untuk mempertahan kan kami dan akhirnye dapat gak kami show yang 1st after lame gile R.I.P sekejap.
pe2 pon ni flyernye
event ni akan berlangsung kat De Palma Hotel sec 19 Shah Alam.
actually show ni agak besar gak pasal UITM beb
dan aku pon bekas UITM gakkk
and satu lagiiii
even nih party mask yeeeeeee
and thx sgt2 kepada si gadis ni yang tolong kitorang.
cik Qna dlm ms dan Melur Samad dlm fb
kami akan wat yang terbaik dari ladang
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me album by The Cure
love this album
want this album
try to listen to it yaaaa
strawberi,hypotermia.knp nih??
Monday, March 1, 2010
"Mintak lesen encik"," alamak, beg duit saye tertinggal la cik"
Thursday, February 25, 2010
anak sapo ni??
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
last night when i wake up sore
it was dark and there's no rain
im sweating like i bleed
even im cold to the vain
i dont know how im in this pain
i dont know why i got this pain
it doesnt matter
coz it just the way of the game
i am chained to the trees
where the creatures come and touching me
owh they disgust me
theres nothing i can do
there is nothing ican the
just waiting for the right time to flee
and get free
last night when i wake up sore
it was dark and there's no rain
im sweating like i bleed
even im cold to the vain
i dont know how im in this pain
i dont know why i got this pain
it doesnt matter
coz it just the way of the game
how i got this dream
how i got this dream
i need you now
let it all go
i want you now
dont ever go
where are you now
i cannot see
dont let it be
i want you
now i'll never see you go
now i'll neer see you go
i will never go when it is over
i will never go when it is to late
i will never go when it is over
i will never go
you go and its hold someday
you go again
you and all will go someday
you go again
tolong weihhhh
trus trang cakp aku pon xtau knp tib2 aku nak wat blog nih